Hi, I am Claire and I set this website up on the 17th January 2021, in the wake of Brexit, to help British people residing in Greece, like me, that now need to change to a Biometric Residence Permit, but it applies to all nationalities and new applications too since health insurance is a requirement for a residence permit here in Greece anyway. The requirement for Health Insurance was the only thing that really worried me, especially the possible costs involved for it. Hence the initial concentration on that subject when I started building this, with the idea being to let others know that it is not as bad, difficult or as expensive as you might first think. There really is no need to raise your stress levels even higher than they already are for having to change to a biometric permit now, if you need to buy Greek Health Insurance it is a standard and affordable procedure.
I have now got my (minimum required!) Greek health insurance for my Biometric Residence Permit at a cost of €90 per year through Stavros Manetakis a Greek Insurance Broker and I wanted to make it easy for others to find theirs too, and to be able request a quote from an English speaking Greek insurance broker via an easy to find and uncomplicated (I mean, lets focus on why you are here - the biometric card and health insurance most likely!) English website, and since I am a web developer I can.
Other insurance and more comprehensive health cover is also available, please just ask Stavros. As are other insurers, but I am recommending Stavros from my own personal experience. I do not make any money referring people to Stavros, I have opted not to and to support a Greek business instead, but I do have an affiliate link to Transferwise on the site as I use it myself, because it really is cheaper and faster than a normal bank transfer from the UK to Greece. I will receive a few Euros, after you have used it, for recommending it, which I really really do! So thank you in advance if you decide to.
All enquiries made through this website will go directly to Stavros, I haven't told him yet but I'm hoping it will be a nice suprise for him when his inbox fills up with enquiries. ;-)
Update 20th Jan 2021: Stavros now knows and I thank you for helping to support a Greek business :-) And! I was feeling brave this morning so made that phone call to make my appointment to take my paperwork in to Corfu Town in the 2nd week of February. I have no idea why I was worried! They were very nice and communicating in English was no problem. First I was asked a few questions and then they told me what I need to bring based on my answers. Nothing to be stressed about at all. I also queried that the 80/20% insurance that I have bought is enough and the answer was yes. The general impression I got from the phone call is that they only really want to know that you can afford to live here and are insured for hospital emergency stuff. BUT! Again, I only speak from my own experience and this is on Corfu.
Update 23rd Mar 2021: I had my fingerprinting done at the end of February and probably could have picked up my card already. As it is I will be picking it up this week, Friday between 12pm - 1pm to be exact since that is their dedicated day/time for 'giving out' cards here in Corfu.
I wish you good luck with the changeover to the Biometric Residence Permit. Feel free to check me out on Facebook.
If you are not already a member you should join the British in Greece group on Facebook. There is a wealth of information available and a community helping and supporting each other through this change.
Other Resources:
British in Europe
The AIRE Centre
Eurobrits in Greece FB Page
Living in Greece - GOV.UK
Yes! Bear in mind though that the policy we are talking about is the minimum insurance required by Greek Law to gain a Residence Permit.
More comprehensive policies are available, please ask using the Get a Quote form.
Contact info for Corfu Aliens office:
Tel: 2661029179 & 2661029178
Opening hours: Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri 9am til 2pm and Wed from 2pm
Location: at the old hospital ?!? Still waiting to find out if this Google Map link is correct! But I think it is! Please feel free to correct me via Facebook messenger if you know otherwise!!
Other Offices:
(please feel free to PM me yours/others to add)
Samos (thank you Sara): 2273087329
Needless to say that despite any information you find here you still need to check what is required by your own local authorities.